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UNAMA Releases Quarterly Report on Afghan Human Rights Situation

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in a quarterly report on the human rights situation in Afghanistan October-December 2023, said: “The de facto authorities continue to enforce and promulgate restrictions on women’s rights to work, education and freedom of movement. In particular, the de facto Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, and its respective departments at provincial level, take on this enforcement role with regards to hijab, mahram and other requirements imposed on women by visiting public places, offices and educational institutes, as well as establishing checkpoints, and monitoring compliance.”

“UNAMA found that there is a lack of clarity regarding the legal framework applicable to complaints of gender-based violence against women and girls in Afghanistan, including which de facto justice actor is responsible for each action along the justice chain regarding such complaints,” the report said.

The report also mentioned forced expulsion of Afghans from Pakistan and arbitrary arrests and detentions of human rights defenders and media workers.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, responded to UNAMA’s report saying that the issues such as Hijab, mahram, suitable working and educational conditions for women, implementation of Sharia law in the courts and prevention of deviant thoughts in the society are among the obligations of a committed Islamic government, and UNAMA’s criticism is an insult to the beliefs of a nation.

Mujahid added in a statement that the Islamic Emirate made a   major sacrifice to implement Sharia rules and now that it is in power, it must implement all Islamic Sharia law.

UNAMA Releases Quarterly Report on Afghan Human Rights Situation

The report also mentioned forced expulsion of Afghans from Pakistan and arbitrary arrests and detentions of human rights defenders and media workers.


The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in a quarterly report on the human rights situation in Afghanistan October-December 2023, said: “The de facto authorities continue to enforce and promulgate restrictions on women’s rights to work, education and freedom of movement. In particular, the de facto Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, and its respective departments at provincial level, take on this enforcement role with regards to hijab, mahram and other requirements imposed on women by visiting public places, offices and educational institutes, as well as establishing checkpoints, and monitoring compliance.”

“UNAMA found that there is a lack of clarity regarding the legal framework applicable to complaints of gender-based violence against women and girls in Afghanistan, including which de facto justice actor is responsible for each action along the justice chain regarding such complaints,” the report said.

The report also mentioned forced expulsion of Afghans from Pakistan and arbitrary arrests and detentions of human rights defenders and media workers.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, responded to UNAMA’s report saying that the issues such as Hijab, mahram, suitable working and educational conditions for women, implementation of Sharia law in the courts and prevention of deviant thoughts in the society are among the obligations of a committed Islamic government, and UNAMA’s criticism is an insult to the beliefs of a nation.

Mujahid added in a statement that the Islamic Emirate made a   major sacrifice to implement Sharia rules and now that it is in power, it must implement all Islamic Sharia law.

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