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تصویر بندانگشتی

MoI Denies Claims Islamic Emirate Unable to Secure Borders

The Ministry of Interior has refuted statements made by Iran's Yaghoub Rezazadeh, a member of the parliament's national security and foreign policy committee, who claimed the Islamic Emirate's border guards are incapable of securing the borders and may collaborate with the Jundallah group.

Abdul Mateen Qani, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, stated that the Islamic Emirate has effectively secured the country's borders.

Qani also said that Afghan soil will not be used against any country.

The Ministry of Interior spokesperson said: “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committed, as pledged in Doha, to ensuring that Afghan soil is secure and does not cooperate with any armed groups that could harm neighboring countries and others from Afghan territory.”

Rezazadeh, a member of Iran's parliament, in an interview with an Iranian media outlet said that not only are the Islamic Emirate's forces and Pakistani border guards weak in securing their borders, but in some cases, they also collaborate with the Jundallah group.

Rezazadeh further claimed that the cooperation of the border forces of the Islamic Emirate and Pakistan with the Jundallah group leads to the infiltration of this group into Iranian territory.

Rezazadeh stated: “The border guards and armed forces of Afghanistan and Pakistan have no control over their own borders, and unfortunately, they collaborate with the agents of divisive groups, and this collaboration allows these malicious elements to enter our borders.”

However, experts say the claims  are baseless if there is no evidence.

Aziz Marj, a former diplomat, told TOLOnews: “They need to provide evidence of this issue so that the Islamic Emirate can be responsible and take action if such a thing exists, and if not, the reputation of Afghanistan must be defended.”

Najib Rahman Shamal, an expert in international relations, said: “The current interim government of Afghanistan, based on the commitment they have made to the international community for maintaining peace and stability in the region and Afghanistan, should not allow Afghanistan to again become a safe haven for terrorist forces.”

Yaghoub Rezazadeh made these statements following increased insecurities in the border province of Sistan and Baluchestan of this country.

MoI Denies Claims Islamic Emirate Unable to Secure Borders

Abdul Mateen Qani, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, stated that the Islamic Emirate has effectively secured the country's borders.

تصویر بندانگشتی

The Ministry of Interior has refuted statements made by Iran's Yaghoub Rezazadeh, a member of the parliament's national security and foreign policy committee, who claimed the Islamic Emirate's border guards are incapable of securing the borders and may collaborate with the Jundallah group.

Abdul Mateen Qani, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, stated that the Islamic Emirate has effectively secured the country's borders.

Qani also said that Afghan soil will not be used against any country.

The Ministry of Interior spokesperson said: “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committed, as pledged in Doha, to ensuring that Afghan soil is secure and does not cooperate with any armed groups that could harm neighboring countries and others from Afghan territory.”

Rezazadeh, a member of Iran's parliament, in an interview with an Iranian media outlet said that not only are the Islamic Emirate's forces and Pakistani border guards weak in securing their borders, but in some cases, they also collaborate with the Jundallah group.

Rezazadeh further claimed that the cooperation of the border forces of the Islamic Emirate and Pakistan with the Jundallah group leads to the infiltration of this group into Iranian territory.

Rezazadeh stated: “The border guards and armed forces of Afghanistan and Pakistan have no control over their own borders, and unfortunately, they collaborate with the agents of divisive groups, and this collaboration allows these malicious elements to enter our borders.”

However, experts say the claims  are baseless if there is no evidence.

Aziz Marj, a former diplomat, told TOLOnews: “They need to provide evidence of this issue so that the Islamic Emirate can be responsible and take action if such a thing exists, and if not, the reputation of Afghanistan must be defended.”

Najib Rahman Shamal, an expert in international relations, said: “The current interim government of Afghanistan, based on the commitment they have made to the international community for maintaining peace and stability in the region and Afghanistan, should not allow Afghanistan to again become a safe haven for terrorist forces.”

Yaghoub Rezazadeh made these statements following increased insecurities in the border province of Sistan and Baluchestan of this country.

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