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Extraction Work of Aynak Copper Mine Delayed

Provincial officials called discovery and retention of ancient sites and transportation of villagers living around the Aynak copper ore the only reasons for a delay in extraction work

A number of residents dwelling in areas surrounding the Aynak copper deposit called on the Afghan government to provide them with job opportunities in the mine.

"They should create some jobs for us in the mine and our rights should be given," said a local living in an area surrounding the copper ore.

Aynak copper mine is one of the biggest mines in the country and more than 1500 policemen are bound for its protection.

Some two years ago, the Aynak copper ore contract was signed with MCC, a Chinese company, but resident's evacuation of the site and discovery of ancient sites have halted the project, officials said.

"The MCC Company is cooperating with us and because of the monuments, the company will complete its two-year work in four years," said governor for Logar province, Atiqullah Ludin.

There are six villages surrounding Aynak copper deposit and a town is decided to be built in Mohammad Agha district of the province so that the mine site dwellers can move to it.

Extraction Work of Aynak Copper Mine Delayed

Provincial officials called discovery and retention of ancient sites and transportation of village


Provincial officials called discovery and retention of ancient sites and transportation of villagers living around the Aynak copper ore the only reasons for a delay in extraction work

A number of residents dwelling in areas surrounding the Aynak copper deposit called on the Afghan government to provide them with job opportunities in the mine.

"They should create some jobs for us in the mine and our rights should be given," said a local living in an area surrounding the copper ore.

Aynak copper mine is one of the biggest mines in the country and more than 1500 policemen are bound for its protection.

Some two years ago, the Aynak copper ore contract was signed with MCC, a Chinese company, but resident's evacuation of the site and discovery of ancient sites have halted the project, officials said.

"The MCC Company is cooperating with us and because of the monuments, the company will complete its two-year work in four years," said governor for Logar province, Atiqullah Ludin.

There are six villages surrounding Aynak copper deposit and a town is decided to be built in Mohammad Agha district of the province so that the mine site dwellers can move to it.

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