Kabul residents voiced complaints about the poor quality of medicine sold in the country's markets.
According to the residents, some medicine has no impact on their illnesses.
"We ask the Ministry of Public Health to collect the poor quality drugs from Kabul as quickly as possible,” said Khwaja Sieyar, a resident of Kabul.
“If the drug is of poor quality, money will be paid and the results of the medicine will not be excellent,” said Khalid, a resident of Kabul.
The Afghanistan Food and Drug Authority (AFDA) emphasized that it is working to stop the import of poor-quality medicines.
"We are working to make sure that only a small part of the drugs, which are sadly being trafficked into the country through illegal channels, make it across the borders. With the cooperation of the security and defense departments, we're attempting to close up all routes,” said Javid Hazhir, spokesman of AFDA.
Several drug sellers claimed that some companies import poor-quality-medicine and that the government needs to control these businesses.
"The government is in charge of controlling any form of drugs that businessmen import. Low-quality medicine that enters the country should be avoided,” said Saifuddin, a drug seller.
According to AFDA figures, more than 800 items with expired dates and nearly 500 that were imported into the nation illegally were collected last year.