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تصویر بندانگشتی

MoIC: New Standards for Billboards Finalized

The Ministry of Information and Culture said that a procedure has been finalized and sent to all provinces of the country for the correction of writing on commercial and personal signs and billboards.

Haqmal Zia, acting deputy of the ministry, said that the writing should be common and in national languages so that the citizens of the country do not face problems.

“In general, we try to make sure that all the writings are understandable, in national languages that people can understand, and that there are no non-Islamic images, and that it should not arouse political sensitivities,” said Haqmal Zia.

According to the ministry, the process will move away from the bias of writing in national languages.

Some citizens of the country praise the action of the current government and consider it effective in promoting Afghan culture.

“We should use Dari and Pashto language, why should we use foreign language?” said Mohammad Naseem, a Kanul resident.

“Some people who come to Kabul from distant provinces, some of them are not literate, and if it is written in the Persian language, they can solve their problem by asking others to cooperate,” said Arsalan, a Kabul resident.

Some shopkeepers said that they need English writing in addition to national languages, and changing the signs is costly for them.

“It is not a problem for those whose billboards are in English or in Dari, but many foreigners who come do not understand them,” said Sultan, a shopkeeper.

The Ministry of Information and Culture emphasized that to implement the process, they have created a commission with the participation of Kabul

Municipality, the Ministry of Interior, and the city guilds to implement the process in a serious manner.

MoIC: New Standards for Billboards Finalized

Municipality, the Ministry of Interior, and the city guilds to implement the process in a serious manner.

تصویر بندانگشتی

The Ministry of Information and Culture said that a procedure has been finalized and sent to all provinces of the country for the correction of writing on commercial and personal signs and billboards.

Haqmal Zia, acting deputy of the ministry, said that the writing should be common and in national languages so that the citizens of the country do not face problems.

“In general, we try to make sure that all the writings are understandable, in national languages that people can understand, and that there are no non-Islamic images, and that it should not arouse political sensitivities,” said Haqmal Zia.

According to the ministry, the process will move away from the bias of writing in national languages.

Some citizens of the country praise the action of the current government and consider it effective in promoting Afghan culture.

“We should use Dari and Pashto language, why should we use foreign language?” said Mohammad Naseem, a Kanul resident.

“Some people who come to Kabul from distant provinces, some of them are not literate, and if it is written in the Persian language, they can solve their problem by asking others to cooperate,” said Arsalan, a Kabul resident.

Some shopkeepers said that they need English writing in addition to national languages, and changing the signs is costly for them.

“It is not a problem for those whose billboards are in English or in Dari, but many foreigners who come do not understand them,” said Sultan, a shopkeeper.

The Ministry of Information and Culture emphasized that to implement the process, they have created a commission with the participation of Kabul

Municipality, the Ministry of Interior, and the city guilds to implement the process in a serious manner.

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