Acting Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, stressed an increase of public awareness, saying that the Sharia laws should be implemented.
Speaking at a gathering in Khost province, Haqqani said that the implementation of Sharia Hudud (it refers to punishments under Islamic law) is not the wish of the Islamic Emirate but is a Sharia principle.
“I say that we should teach them [the people] to learn the Sharia principle and orders,” Haqqani said.
Addressing the same ceremony, acting Minister of Refugees and Repatriation Khalil Rahman Haqqani said that the Afghan interim government is inclusive and that some circles are seeking to promote negative propaganda against the Islamic Emirate.
“Those who are making useless propaganda and think that this government is not inclusive, they are not aware of the culture and tradition of Afghanistan. They are… unprofessional themselves,” he said.
The acting interior minister urged the people to not compare the Islamic Emirate with developed countries.