A Malaysian delegation led by the prime minister's representative has met with officials of the Islamic Emirate in Kabul and said that Kuala Lumpur is striving to help Afghanistan expand its interactions with the world.
The delegation has stated that the purpose of their visit is to expand Malaysia's relations with the Islamic Emirate.
The acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate for political affairs, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, in their meetings with the delegation said that other countries want to expand their relations with Kabul.
According to officials at the Foreign Ministry, Amir Khan Muttaqi talked about the positive engagement of the regional countries with the caretaker Afghan government and that these interactions are expanding every day.
“Afghanistan relations with the world are expanding and Kabul has built good relations with the neighboring countries and the region. Amir Khan Muttaqi said that Afghanistan is interested in expanding good relations with eastern Asia,” said Hafiz Zia Ahmad Takal, Deputy Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry.
In its meeting with Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the delegation pledged that they will strive to build relations between the world and Afghanistan, reads the statement of the Arg.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate for political affairs emphasized the achievements of the caretaker government in political and economic sectors and stated that all countries of the world, including regional countries, have no concerns about Afghanistan.
“Malaysia is an Islamic country where educated men and women work in different sectors of society. It asks the reopening of girls’ schools and universities in Afghanistan,” said Tariq Farhadi, a political analyst.
“There is no doubt that the Islamic Emirate has either engagement or diplomatic agencies in 33 countries, but this engagement is based on the needs of Afghan people which is on the consulate level,” said Naser Shafiq, an expert on political matters.
The acting Minister of Industry and Commerce also called for investment by Malaysian businessmen in Afghanistan during the meeting with this delegation.
The Islamic Emirate spoke of expanding relations with countries in the region and beyond, as no country has recognized the government in Kabul yet.