Residents of Nawzad district in Helmand province said that the continuation of life in some villages of the district has become difficult due to recent wars and drought, which has forced them to leave their areas.
Residents of this district added that they face many challenges and that the current government should address their problems.
Hedaytullah, a Nawzad district resident, said that due to the lack of water in the district, they have to leave their district.
“If there is no water there will be no work, and people are so tired. Among 100 people in the district only two of them are happy and comfortable, but the others are not comfortable and everyone is tired here,” said Hedaytullah.
“If water is found, we will all work, we have the same request because all the people are leaving this area,” said Asadullah, a Nawzad district resident.
Meanwhile, local officials of Helmand acknowledge the problems of residents of the district and said that efforts are ongoing to solve them.
“In the last 20 years, Nawzad district of Helmand witnessed a lot of fighting, and this district has faced drought for years; these two are the reasons for the lack of water and people leaving the area,” said Mohammad Qasim Riyaz, deputy of Helmand's information and culture department.
Earlier, residents of the Washir district also complained about the lack of water in their area and demanded the problems be addressed.