The Ministry of Industry and Commerce said that in the first meeting to explore alternate trade routes for Afghanistan with its regional countries, chaired by the acting Minister, Nooruddin Azizi, the importance of optimizing the use of the Chabahar port was emphasized.
According to the spokesperson of the ministry, the purpose of seeking an alternative route is not to block commercial paths and passageways but to provide more facilities for the private sector.
"Emphasizing the facilitation of industrial growth and the flourishing of the country's trade, it was stated that seeking an alternative route for Afghanistan's trade is not about blocking other routes and ports but rather that we are striving to provide more facilities for the private sector,” said Akhundzada Abdul Salam Jawad, the Commerce and Industry spokesman.
Meanwhile, some traders in the country said that Pakistan has always caused significant losses for them by blocking commercial and transit crossings for Afghan traders' goods.
Traders insist that challenges in their trade path be addressed. They said that alternative routes, such as providing more facilities at Chabahar port, should be made and that serious attention should be given to constructing the Wakhan Corridor. Also, reducing the costs of transfers through the country's air corridors should be addressed.
"We need government support and a specific budget allocated for the Wakhan Corridor, for which investments should be made,” said Omid Haidari, a trader
"No one knows if Pakistan will close the route this year or not. An alternative to Pakistan must be created, better now than five years later, whether it be Chabahar port or the Wakhan route,” said Mirwais Hajizadah, another trader.
The Chamber of Commerce and Investment said the construction of the Wakhan Corridor is crucial in expanding Afghanistan's trade relations with China and emphasized that this route should be constructed as soon as possible.
Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce had announced a 6 percent decrease in exports from the country in the solar year 1402, stating that exports worth $1.8 billion were made from Afghanistan to India, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, China, Kazakhstan, and Iran.