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MEHWAR: Peace Process 135 Days after US-Taliban Deal

The US-Taliban deal signed on February 28 in Doha has remained unimplemented as three key parts of the agreement--a reduction in violence, a decrease in the number of foreign forces, and intra-Afghan negotiations should have happened 135 days after the accord. The intra-Afghan talks have not begun, violence has not been reduced, and only US troops are known to have been reduced--the status of other foreign forces in the country is still unclear.

In this program, host Yaser Abrar discusses the topic with the following panelists.

Abdul Qayum Sajjadi, MP
Nasrullah Stanekzai, lecturer at Kabul University
Zia Aryanezhad, MP


MEHWAR: Peace Process 135 Days after US-Taliban Deal

The US-Taliban deal signed on February 28 in Doha has remained unimplemented as three key parts of the agreement--a reduction in violence, a decrease in the number of foreign forces, and intra-Afghan negotiations should have happened 135 days after the accord. The intra-Afghan talks have not begun, violence has not been reduced, and only US troops are known to have been reduced--the status of other foreign forces in the country is still unclear.

In this program, host Yaser Abrar discusses the topic with the following panelists.

Abdul Qayum Sajjadi, MP
Nasrullah Stanekzai, lecturer at Kabul University
Zia Aryanezhad, MP

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