Baghlan province residents who lost loved ones in the attack on Friday at the Imam Zaman Mosque in Pul Khumri urged the security agencies to stop similar events from happening again.
Sayed Abbas, who lost two family members in this attack, claimed that his cousin, who passed away in the attack, had recently gotten engaged.
"He graduated from the Faculty of Economics. He was not working in the government and he was the breadwinner of his family,” he told TOLOnews.
Some of the injured in this bloody event have different and bitter stories about the suicide attack.
"There were 250 to 300 people there when the explosion occurred and we fell on the ground,” Sayed Sarwar, an injured person, said.
Some religious clerics consider attacking civilians to be against Islamic teachings. Clerics and residents of Baghlan asked the Islamic Emirate to prevent such events from happening.
"We ask the Islamic Emirate to ensure the security of people’s life, property, honor and dignity. The Islamic Emirate must ensure the security of people's parties and mosques,” said Mohammad Yasin Mahdiyar, a religious cleric.
According to Shir Ahmad Burhani, spokesman for the Baghlan Security Command, seven people were killed and fifteen injured in this event. Burhani also addressed the ongoing investigations over this incident.
"Regarding the safety and security of our citizens, we pledge that it will not happen again,” Burhani said.
The Daesh group took responsibility for Friday's suicide attack at the Imam Zaman Mosque in Pol-e-Khomri city.