The findings of the U.S Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) shows that the sovereignty of Afghan government over the country reduced to 58 percent, and also the armed insurgents managed to plot a range of terror attacks in Kabul and Kandahar provinces.
But, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) claims that over 10,000 insurgents were killed as a result of military operations by the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in 1395.
According to MoD, the ANSF also foiled several attempts by the insurgents to capture provincial capitals.
The insurgents carried out over 23,000 military activities during 1395, in exchange the security forces launched 35,000 operations, said a defense ministry spokesman Dawlat Waziri.
During 1395, the insurgents diverted their attention to Helmand, Uruzgan, Farah, Kunduz, Baghlan, Faryab and Laghman provinces and managed to reach on the outskirts of center of these provinces.
“I still remember the president saying no Afghan is superior than other Afghan, but why today we are living under oppression,” said a member of Faryab provincial council.
“If the management of security institutions continued on the same track, next year will be a dangerous year to the people of Afghanistan,” said MP Hashim Alokozai.
Major attacks by the insurgnets in 1395:
• Attack on directorate of security of VIPs
• Group attack on the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF)
• Attack on the main entrance of the ministry of defense
• Attack on the enlightening movement
• Attack on the Baqir-ul-Ulom mosque
• Attack on PD6 police station
• Attack on Sardar Daud military hospital
• Attack on Kandahar guesthouse
Clip hashim alokozai, mp
Continuation of activities of the insurgents around provincial capitals are among the challenges which need to be tackle by the ANSF next year.
Based on the SIGAR report, the collapse of several provincial capitals reduced the control of government over 62 percent territory to 58 percent.
But, the Ministry of Defense says that the government has control over 99 percent of the country while the ministry of interior believes that the sovereignty is only around 95 percent.
“It was really a tough year to security forces, because the enemy was trying to reach its strategic objectives, they wanted to eliminate the geography of Afghanistan,” said MoD spokeamn Dawlat Waziri.
“We are not concerned about 1396, because we have defined plans and strategies, by implementing these plans, terrorists’ plots will be thwarted,” said Najib Danish, acting spokesman of interior ministry.
Afghan security forces are expected to face another tough year in 1396. However the government so far has not shared its new security policy.