A number of residents in the eastern province of Nangarhar on Sunday said dozens of residents from Achin and Pachiragam districts are being held in Daesh custody and that no significant efforts have been made by government to secure their release.
They said that Daesh has taken dozens of residents hostage over the past year.
“Government has done nothing, the tribal elders have also held talks with Daesh militants and there are hopes that these hostages are released. However none of them have so far been released by Daesh,” said a member of Nangarhar provincial council Zabiullah Ezmarai.
“Mothers lost their children in Pachiragam, they do not have information about whether they are still alive or dead and government is doing nothing in this respect,” said a resident of Khogyani district, Farhad.
“They also took hostages in Achin, all people must be mobilized against Daesh,” another resident, Khan Mohammad, said.
Meanwhile, some tribal elders in Nangarhar have accused government of neglecting the safe release of these hostages from Daesh custody.
“Soldiers render sacrifices and leaders do not value their sacrifices. Every day they said that Daesh are killed, but we are surprised that this small group still exists and increases day by day,” said tribal elder, Malik Shah Zaman.
But local officials in Nangahar have rejected the claims and said that security forces have tried to free these hostages from Daesh.
“Daesh militants have again tried to capture a religious scholar and an army soldier. But local police rescued them and security forces are still trying to free the remaining hostages,” said Attaullah Khogyani, spokesman for the Nangarhar governor.
This comes two weeks after Daesh captured at least 20 religious scholars in Nangarhar - so far there have been no reports about their fate.