Shamsullah Kamran, the head of Education in Uruzgan, reports that recent rains and floods have completely or partially destroyed nearly 70 schools and madrassas (religious schools) in the province's center and districts.
Kamran adds that the Uruzgan Education Department lacks sufficient funds to rebuild these schools.
The head of Education in Uruzgan stated: "As a result of the rains and floods, approximately seventy schools have been completely or partially destroyed. If these schools do not receive attention from organizations, we will face significant problems."
Moreover, several students and teachers in the province say that the destruction of schools has slowed the educational process.
According to them, most students from the destroyed schools are now studying in private homes or in open spaces.
Sirajuddin Sirajmal, a teacher, said: "The students are in a situation where they have no place for learning."
Javid, a student, said: "We sit under the sun; we have nothing, and the teachers do not come, forcing us to go back home."
Obaidullah, another student, expressed: "We ask the government to rebuild our schools so that we can continue our studies."
The destruction of educational centers has also raised concerns among Uruzgan residents. According to the residents, this will negatively affect their children's educational progress.
They call on the interim government officials and aid organizations for the immediate reconstruction of the destroyed schools.
Gul Mohammad, a resident of Uruzgan, said: "The schools have no pillars and are all collapsing."
The recent floods and rainfall have damaged dozens of schools in Uruzgan province, and previously, the provincial Education Department had reported that due to the lack of school buildings and teachers, 80,000 children were deprived of education this year.