Nangarhar police chief Abdurrahman Rahimi on Saturday confirmed the death toll of Daesh fighters killed in Thursday night’s bombing had risen to 94.
According to Rahimi, the brother of Hafiz Saeed, the leader of Daesh Khurasan, and a few other commanders of the group were among those killed.
Until now no members of the press have been able to get to the scene of the blast.
U.S Forces on Thursday night dropped a Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb on Achin district in Nangarhar. Their target had been a series of tunnels and caves used as a stronghold by Daesh.
Karim Amini, TOLOnews journalist reporting from the area, said he has seen a number of Daesh strongholds that have been destroyed in recent military operations.
Amini said despite all the military action, officials are still concerned they might be present in the area.