After the ban on women in Band e Amir National Park by the Ministry of Vice and Virtue, some shopkeepers and local residents said that the number of tourists has decreased, and this has caused business to decline.
They want the current government to review the decision and allow women who observe hijab to go to the park.
“The guards of the Vice and Virtue Department are standing at the gate of the national park, they have to tell the women without hijab not to enter the park,” said Mohammad Ali, a Bamiyan resident.
“There are approximately 150 houses here, and all their income came from the Band e Amir,” said Taqa, a Bamiyan resident.
Some women who support their families by selling handicrafts in Band e Amir National Park said that without the presence of women, their handicrafts cannot be sold.
“All the shops are for women, men don't do the shopping that women do, of course people suffered and there is no selling, not only Band e Amir but all of Bamiyan has been affected,” said Ruqia Ahmadi, a seller.
However, several tourists consider going to recreational places as a citizen's right, but they ask women to observe the Islamic hijab when going to these places.
For the sake of several people who are creating disorder, and hijab, and causing problems to other people, we request them to observe these issues,” said Mubariz Mohammadi, a tourist.
“Unfortunately, due to the restrictions imposed by the Islamic Emirate's Ministry of Vice and Virtue, it has been about a week that the number of tourists in Band e Amir and other recreational areas of Bamyan has decreased.”
After the return to power of the Islamic Emirate and the provision of security on the country's highways, the presence of domestic and foreign tourists in recreational places, especially Band e Amir National Park, has increased.